Discipline: Law

What are the effects of market incentives made by public financial institutions on worker organisations and social dialogue according to ILO key labour standards?
What are the causes and the consequences of labour provisions in preferential trade agreements?
To what extent do information and communicaton technologies contribute to sustainable macroeconomic development? What is the influence of foreign investment?
To what extent do institutional reforms and participation mechanism increase the external stakeholder input in formal and informal governance arrangements?
How is land management in mountains being affected by migration, climate changes and hazard events in Cochabamba region (Bolivia) and Dhankuta District (Nepal)?
What are the factors that lead states and transnational actors to choose between formal intergovernmental organisations, informal intergovernmental organisations and transnational governance networks to structure their interactions and govern global problems?
To what extent does violence against civilians by armed actors increase the risk of conflict escalation and civil war?
Which types of international environmental cooperation are likely to have long-term prospects in democracies and which will not?
How can new institutional arrangements help reconcile livelihood-relevant factors of local populations with the UN program for Reducing Emissions for Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD)?
What does impunity mean to local communities in areas of protracted conflict and how do local and regional forms of informal justice contribute to re-establishing law and order?