What factors determine the content and quality of national plastic policies?
How can we mitigate the negative effects of unilateral trade policies so that they do not trigger negative feedback effects and undermine future climate action?
What visions, concepts, and methods do the different actors have to actively support the transformation of camps/camp-like settings from temporary emerging solutions to permanent structures?
What is the prevalence of physical, verbal, and sexual violence against CHWs in Eastern DRC, and how are these influenced by gender and societal norms?
How central were discourses around science and equity throughout the GST process and how diverse were they?
What is the chain of institutions and activities that link technology pilots in informal settlements to policy responses?
What are the strategies employed by the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) and other international funding agencies to enhance local capacity in the Andean region?
What are the regulatory frameworks for goods, labor, and financial markets that can create an economy that operates within planetary limits and principles of social equity?
How do women – led Track Two dialogues contribute to sustaining and reimagining peace in post-settlement contexts in Colombia, Kosovo, and the Philippines?
What should be the essential elements of evidence-based policy interventions aimed at curbing the circulation of military-style rifles and promoting regional security in Latin America?
What is the relationship between teleworking and well being?
What are the interactions between agroecological and indigenous territories – potential collaborations and possible conflicts?
How are power-sharing agreements adopted and what implementation challenges impede their functioning?
How do European countries’ decisions to return Syrian refugees impact the refugee returns in regional host states?
What are relevant policy instruments for air pollution reduction in developing urban contexts and how do they vary in effectiveness?
Can violent conflict caused by inequality motivate those in power to reduce income and asset disparities?
How does the role of lithium in the emerging energy regime challenge or reproduce unequal relations between producer and consumer regions, and can it pave the way for a sustainable and just energy transition?
Which political and economic drivers can explain country differences in climate ambition between NDCs and recovery packages, and how correlated they are?
How could the concept of Deliberative Quality help improve the conditions under which decisions are made, and could it serve to develop better processes and outcomes in trade-related organizations?
What is the Aedes ecology and, related to it, people’s knowledge, attitudes, behaviour and practice?
How did attempts at sanitary control impact the emergence of borders between countries?
What are the biodiversity data needs of international organizations, governments, civil society and business?
How have public policies evolved to stabilize or destabilize the current meat production and consumption systems in China, the EU and the US?