Theme: #11 Sustainable cities and communities

What factors determine the content and quality of national plastic policies?
What visions, concepts, and methods do the different actors have to actively support the transformation of camps/camp-like settings from temporary emerging solutions to permanent structures?
What is the prevalence of physical, verbal, and sexual violence against CHWs in Eastern DRC, and how are these influenced by gender and societal norms?
How central were discourses around science and equity throughout the GST process and how diverse were they?
What is the chain of institutions and activities that link technology pilots in informal settlements to policy responses?
What are the strategies employed by the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) and other international funding agencies to enhance local capacity in the Andean region?
What are the regulatory frameworks for goods, labor, and financial markets that can create an economy that operates within planetary limits and principles of social equity?
What are the interactions between agroecological and indigenous territories – potential collaborations and possible conflicts?