Discipline: Political Science

How can we provide new methods of European Consensus elaboration in order to answer complex and controversial moral and political questions surrounding human rights law in Europe ?
What are the challenges faced by medical and food companies, by humanitarian IOs and NGOs that deliver food and medicine to heavily sanctioned countries?
To which degree and under which conditions do countries translate their international commitments regarding CC mitigation into their domestic policies (i.e. policy objectives and instruments)?
Why, when and how do refugees engage in transactional sex across genders and what are the sexual and reproductive health and mental health consequences of refugees involved in transactional sex?
Why and how does centralized design prevail as a global gold standard for the urban sanitation sector even in the light of crisis and how does it influence project implementation under SDG6?
To what extent does the concept of gridlock apply to the global health governance and account for its deficiencies? What is the potential for reform?
Which types of intertemporal cost distributions are likely to find majority support in industrialised emitter countries?
What are the individual-level attitudes towards foreigners and how do they change over time towards immigration?
Do donors respond to the ebbs and flows of a peace process or is their behavior motivated by other factors that are exogenous to events within the conflict-torn country?
What are the impacts of LSLA on the local food system and how do they affect the decision-making processes of both men and women regarding household food security ?