What are the key norms in the treatment of migrant detainees and how can academics and practitioners measure the construction and adherence to these norms?
What are the linkages between climate change, economic growth and conflict?
How can psychological knowledge help legal professionals in their work with victims in the context of the Cambodian trials?
How can developing countries compensate for their limited power resources by deploying successful strategies in the context of climate change compensation negotiations?
What are the roles played by migrant organisations in the context of transnational Senegalese migration, integration and development?
What are the effects of cross-border refugee flows and the possible spread of conflicts in host countries taking into account ethnical linkages?
How can historical research data contribute to a better understanding of health services? How can this knowledge contribute to the development of sustainable health systems in developing countries?
What are the political gains from trade agreements and what is their economic value in turn?
What are the conditions under which deaths in custody should be investigated and how can they be prevented?
What are the factors that shape the institutional design of recently adopted migration partnerships at a international, national and regional level?
What are the motivations and expectations of highly-qualified young people from developing countries for leaving their country and what are the alternatives?
What are the opportunities and limits of bilateral talks between Switzerland and Europe? Could a single framework agreement bring together the existing treaties?
How do emotions and cultural differences affect communication in multi-linguistic negotiations?
What are the corporate citizenship approaches of Swiss medium sized enterprises and large multinational corporations in their participation to the UN Global Compact?