What is the role of large-scale extractive investments in the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals and their contradictory dynamics?
What are the generalised, large scale factors of the environment-migration relationship and to what extent is it conditional on various individual, socio-economic, and political factors?
How can social network analysis help in understanding resilience to global environmental changes in the isolated mountain and Arctic island communities?
How do European countries’ decisions to return Syrian refugees impact the refugee returns in regional host states?
What are the interactions between agroecological and indigenous territories – potential collaborations and possible conflicts?
What are the motivations and expectations of highly-qualified young people from developing countries for leaving their country and what are the alternatives?
How can historical research data contribute to a better understanding of health services? How can this knowledge contribute to the development of sustainable health systems in developing countries?
How can new institutional arrangements help reconcile livelihood-relevant factors of local populations with the UN program for Reducing Emissions for Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD)?
How do transnational corporate social responsibility standards influence and shape labor conditions in the electronics manufacturing industry in China and Taiwan?
What are the challenges of infertility in terms of public health concerns and social marginalisation in resource-poor settings in Nepal and India?
What are the effects of different types of trade policy measures on global food price volatility and what local, alternative measures can be adopted to foster food security in volatile global markets?
How can a capability based approach help explain the widening gap in development and what insights can be derived to combat poverty efficiently?
What are the conditions under which deaths in custody should be investigated and how can they be prevented?
To what extend do information and communicaton technologies contribute to sustainable macroeconomic development? What is the influence of foreign investment?
What are the causes and the consequences of labour provisions in preferential trade agreements?
Can violent conflict caused by inequality motivate those in power to reduce income and asset disparities?
What are the most important barriers to low-cost green technology diffusion across developing countries?
To what extent do institutional reforms and participation mechanism increase the external stakeholder input in formal and informal governance arrangements?
What are the major factors shaping, preventing or enhancing human rights-based approaches in the world heritage system?
How do green public spaces meet the human needs and contribute to the societal wellbeing in urban settings and according to cultural context and across social groups?
What are the recent trends of non-core multilateral aid ? To what extent do they threaten aid effectiveness through an increased fragmentation and proliferation of funds ?
How widespread is the increased susceptibility of insecticide-resistant Anopheles mosquitoes to Plasmodium infection and what are the risks associated with this phenomenon in relationship to the use of bed nets and insecticides? What policies should be adopted to reduce the risk of a major crisis in malaria control?
How did attempts at sanitary control impact the emergence of borders between countries?
What are the legal obligations to protect and assist persons with disabilities during conflict and what are the policies and practices required to put these obligations into effect?