How are power-sharing agreements adopted and what implementation challenges impede their functioning?
What role can product development partnerships play in order to improve access to medicines for neglected diseases?
To which degree and under which conditions do countries translate their international commitments regarding CC mitigation into their domestic policies (i.e. policy objectives and instruments)?
What does impunity mean to local communities in areas of protracted conflict and how do local and regional forms of informal justice contribute to re-establishing law and order?
What are the driving factors behind the (lack) of response of the health sector to violence against women and girls in Tirana, Albania and Minas Gerais, Brazil?
How do developing countries set priorities and define realistically achievable goals within the millennium development goals?
What are the roles played by migrant organisations in the context of transnational Senegalese migration, integration and development?
What are the linkages between climate change, economic growth and conflict?
What are the biodiversity data needs of international organizations, governments, civil society and business?
What are the constraints and opportunies linked to migration for adolescent girls ? How do they affect their capacity to choose and to act to determine their future opportunities ?
To what extent does the fit between personal values and the organizational values of an IO foster the working motivation of its employees and volunteers?
How can a capability based approach help explain the widening gap in development and what insights can be derived to combat poverty efficiently?
How does gender shape the reintegration process of migrants and how do patterns of return mobilities and reintegration impact upon gender in the Gambia, Guinea and Senegal?
What are the effects of market incentives made by public financial institutions on worker organisations and social dialogue according to ILO key labour standards?
What are the consumption patterns of the growing middle classes in emerging countries? What are the environmental and social impacts of these practices? How can more sustainable consumption pathways be reached?
What are the effects of cross-border refugee flows and the possible spread of conflicts in host countries taking into account ethnical linkages?
Which political and economic drivers can explain country differences in climate ambition between NDCs and recovery packages, and how correlated they are?
What are the regulatory frameworks for goods, labor, and financial markets that can create an economy that operates within planetary limits and principles of social equity?
What are the challenges of infertility in terms of public health concerns and social marginalisation in resource-poor settings in Nepal and India?
How could the concept of Deliberative Quality help improve the conditions under which decisions are made, and could it serve to develop better processes and outcomes in trade-related organizations?
How do green public spaces meet the human needs and contribute to the societal wellbeing in urban settings and according to cultural context and across social groups?
What are the interactions between agroecological and indigenous territories – potential collaborations and possible conflicts?
How efficient are the current global health architecture and the variants of private-public partnerships on global health policies and targeted achievements?
What are the practices, social relations and power relations to social reproduction within the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE)? What is the contribution of SSE to the renewal of public action and policies in the field of production and social reproduction?
What are the mechanisms of differential inclusion and segregation of migrant workers in the agro-industrial labour markets?
Do donors respond to the ebbs and flows of a peace process or is their behavior motivated by other factors that are exogenous to events within the conflict-torn country?
What are the opportunities and limits of bilateral talks between Switzerland and Europe? Could a single framework agreement bring together the existing treaties?