To which degree and under which conditions do countries translate their international commitments regarding CC mitigation into their domestic policies (i.e. policy objectives and instruments)?
How does rural-to-urban migration generated by climate change affect urbanization? What are the economic and political settings that contribute to or impede the emergence of political violence and conflicts?
How can a capability based approach help explain the widening gap in development and what insights can be derived to combat poverty efficiently?
To what extent does the promotion of intra-regional trade help reduce conflicts in the Middle East, Sub-Saharan Africa and South America?
To what extent does the concept of gridlock apply to the global health governance and account for its deficiencies? What is the potential for reform?
How do developing countries set priorities and define realistically achievable goals within the millennium development goals?
How central were discourses around science and equity throughout the GST process and how diverse were they?
How could the concept of Deliberative Quality help improve the conditions under which decisions are made, and could it serve to develop better processes and outcomes in trade-related organizations?
What are the specific needs of users, especially women, with regard to water, sanitation and hygiene service provisions in public health facilities in India and Uganda?
How is land management in mountains being affected by migration, climate changes and hazard events in Cochabamba region (Bolivia) and Dhankuta District (Nepal)?
How efficient are the current global health architecture and the variants of private-public partnerships on global health policies and targeted achievements?
What are the design, evolution, and effects of the international investment agreements currently in practice?
What are the driving factors behind the (lack) of response of the health sector to violence against women and girls in Tirana, Albania and Minas Gerais, Brazil?
What is the prevalence of physical, verbal, and sexual violence against CHWs in Eastern DRC, and how are these influenced by gender and societal norms?
How do women – led Track Two dialogues contribute to sustaining and reimagining peace in post-settlement contexts in Colombia, Kosovo, and the Philippines?
How can raising awareness, better prevention and treatment help individuals suffering from Noma, the “neglected disease”?
What should be the essential elements of evidence-based policy interventions aimed at curbing the circulation of military-style rifles and promoting regional security in Latin America?
To what extent can regional governance architectures of mountainous areas contribute to achieving the Millenium Development Goals in terms of integration of sustainable development principles and of reduction of biodiversity loss?
How do transnational corporate social responsibility standards influence and shape labor conditions in the electronics manufacturing industry in China and Taiwan?
What are the effects of the financialisation of the commodity trading on local lives and what are the policy recommendations to be drawn for Swiss and international regulatory actors?
Do donors respond to the ebbs and flows of a peace process or is their behavior motivated by other factors that are exogenous to events within the conflict-torn country?
How can potentially negative effects on local populations of large-scale land acquisitions be mitigated and what could institutions do to protect human rights of the affected population?
What factors influence a private company’s choice to implement a Disability Management Program and what are the perceived benefits/drawbacks of such a program?
How do European countries’ decisions to return Syrian refugees impact the refugee returns in regional host states?
How do green public spaces meet the human needs and contribute to the societal wellbeing in urban settings and according to cultural context and across social groups?
What drives the position of sexually transmitted infections on global policy agendas?
To what extent does violence against civilians by armed actors increase the risk of conflict escalation and civil war?