Long-term Impact of Intergroup Interventions on Resilience to Ethnic Polarization in a Post-Conflict Setting

Can intergroup interventions make people resilient to ethnic polarization?

Project Summary

As parties to a conflict seek to pick up and recombine the pieces in the aftermath of conflagrations, the challenge of ethnic polarization during contested commemorations of war victimisation becomes a pressing issue.
This project seeks to adress resurgence of intergroup animosities sparked by commemorations of war. Social scientists have developed various psychological interventions aimed at improving intergroup relations. While these strategies have been effective in promoting positive attitudes and behaviours in different settings, their capacity to prevent political mobilisation of ethnic tensions in real-world post-conflict scenarios remains largely untested.

This project will assess the effectiveness and durability of various interventions—moral exemplars, social norms, meta-perceptions,—in the context of the Srebrenica genocide. Additionally, it will investigate how these interventions interact with factors such as ethnic group affiliation and local ethnic segregation, and whether they can be integrated into peacebuilding programmes for lasting impact.

The research will employ a combination of experimental design and longitudinal surveys involving 8,000 participants, testing the four types of intergroup interventions above, and evaluating their effectiveness over time. The multidisciplinary team will explore how these interventions perform under different ethnic and local conditions. Looking to determine if these strategies can foster long-term resilience in divided communities.

The project will offer valuable insights for peacebuilding practitioners, helping to prevent conflict escalation and promote social cohesion in deeply divided societies.

Research Team

Sandra Penić
University of Geneva

Simon Hug
University of Geneva

Sabina Čehajić-Clancy
Principal Member
Stockholm University

Eran Halperin
Principal Member
Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Andreas Wimmer
Principal Member
Columbia University





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Host Institution


