policy: Sustainable economy

To what extent can regional governance architectures of mountainous areas contribute to achieving the Millenium Development Goals in terms of integration of sustainable development principles and of reduction of biodiversity loss?
How can social network analysis help in understanding resilience to global environmental changes in the isolated mountain and Arctic island communities?
How can potentially negative effects on local populations of large-scale land acquisitions be mitigated and what could institutions do to protect human rights of the affected population?
How can new institutional arrangements help reconcile livelihood-relevant factors of local populations with the UN program for Reducing Emissions for Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD)?
What are the patterns and impacts on the development of return skilled migration and how can the potential of scientific diasporas best be exploited for development?
How can a capability based approach help explain the widening gap in development and what insights can be derived to combat poverty efficiently?
How do developing countries set priorities and define realistically achievable goals within the millennium development goals?
How do transnational corporate social responsibility standards influence and shape labor conditions in the electronics manufacturing industry in China and Taiwan?