Highlights of the round-table debate and ensuing ceremony in honour of the laureates of the 2013 International Geneva Award, University of Bern, 13 November 2014. The debate gathered practitioners of International Organisations and academics who discussed the topic of sustainable and inclusive development. Speakers included: P. van Griethuysen (UNRISD), P. Lantz (Former UNDP Director, Geneva), T. Tesfachew (UNCTAD), P. Messerli (Center for Development and Environment- CDE), S. Gelb (World Trade Institute – WTI), E. Bürgi Bonanomi (WTI / CDE). The event featured the award ceremony in honour of the laureates of the 2013 International Geneva Award: Chris Humphrey (University of Zürich), Salvatore di Falco (University of Geneva) / Marcella Veronesi (University of Verona), Conny Wunsch (University of Basel), Eva Deuchert (University of St. Gallen).