Discipline: Political Economy

How does rural-to-urban migration generated by climate change affect urbanization? What are the economic and political settings that contribute to or impede the emergence of political violence and conflicts?
When and how does increasing market power translate into regulatory power to shape the rules of international trade?
What are the effectiveness and the impact of public-private partnerships for advancing the Sustainable Development Goals?
What are the effects of market incentives made by public financial institutions on worker organisations and social dialogue according to ILO key labour standards?
What are the causes and the consequences of labour provisions in preferential trade agreements?
What are the effects of different types of trade policy measures on global food price volatility and what local, alternative measures can be adopted to foster food security in volatile global markets?
What are the effects of the financialisation of the commodity trading on local lives and what are the policy recommendations to be drawn for Swiss and international regulatory actors?
What are the specific needs of users, especially women, with regard to water, sanitation and hygiene service provisions in public health facilities in India and Uganda?
What are the recent trends of non-core multilateral aid ? To what extent do they threaten aid effectiveness through an increased fragmentation and proliferation of funds ?