How efficient are the current global health architecture and the variants of private-public partnerships on global health policies and targeted achievements?
What are the specific needs of users, especially women, with regard to water, sanitation and hygiene service provisions in public health facilities in India and Uganda?
What are the generalised, large scale factors of the environment-migration relationship and to what extent is it conditional on various individual, socio-economic, and political factors?
How can a geographical information system methodology contribute to address the governance of natural resources in terms of conservation and development?
To what extent can regional governance architectures of mountainous areas contribute to achieving the Millenium Development Goals in terms of integration of sustainable development principles and of reduction of biodiversity loss?
How can social network analysis help in understanding resilience to global environmental changes in the isolated mountain and Arctic island communities?
How can potentially negative effects on local populations of large-scale land acquisitions be mitigated and what could institutions do to protect human rights of the affected population?