Discipline: Human Geography

What can the EU’s Hotspot approach to migration tell us about the impact of infrastructure on migration management?
What are the practices, social relations and power relations to social reproduction within the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE)? What is the contribution of SSE to the renewal of public action and policies in the field of production and social reproduction?
What are the consumption patterns of the growing middle classes in emerging countries? What are the environmental and social impacts of these practices? How can more sustainable consumption pathways be reached?
What are the causes and the consequences of labour provisions in preferential trade agreements?
To what extend do information and communicaton technologies contribute to sustainable macroeconomic development? What is the influence of foreign investment?
What are the effects of cross-border migration in the southwestern Amazon on the transmission of two neglected tropical diseases (American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis and Bartonellosis)?
What is the contribution of skilled migrants to the innovation capacity of the host country?
How efficient are the current global health architecture and the variants of private-public partnerships on global health policies and targeted achievements?
What are the environmental, health and regulatory dimensions of pesticide use in agriculture in low- and middle-income countries?