Dr Morgan Scoville-Simonds
Lukas Paul Fesenfeld
To effectively mitigate climate change, ambitious transformative policies will not only need to induce rapid technological change, but also alter human behavior through intervening in individuals’ everyday lives – for example, by changing peoples’ food and mobility habits. While such policies can successfully reduce the emission of climate pollutants, they simultaneously make the costs of mitigation visible to citizens. In essence, the open question is if ambitious transformative climate policies are politically feasible. The main objective of this thesis is therefore to contribute to the growing body of research at the intersection of political economy, political psychology, and transition studies that seeks to identify both effective and feasible climate policies. In particular, the thesis addresses an important research gap with regard to public opinion about socio-technical transformation.
Dr Morgan Scoville-Simonds
Dr Roxana Radu
Klara Polackova van der Ploeg
Krittika Uniyal
Cansu Özmert
Swiss Network for
International Studies