Region: Asia

What are the specific needs of users, especially women, with regard to water, sanitation and hygiene service provisions in public health facilities in India and Uganda?
What role can product development partnerships play in order to improve access to medicines for neglected diseases?
To what extent can regional governance architectures of mountainous areas contribute to achieving the Millenium Development Goals in terms of integration of sustainable development principles and of reduction of biodiversity loss?
How can potentially negative effects on local populations of large-scale land acquisitions be mitigated and what could institutions do to protect human rights of the affected population?
What are the patterns and impacts on the development of return skilled migration and how can the potential of scientific diasporas best be exploited for development?
How do developing countries set priorities and define realistically achievable goals within the millennium development goals?
How can a neurological look at the dynamics of emotions in general and fear in particular help finding better strategies in conflict prevention and / or resolution?
How do transnational corporate social responsibility standards influence and shape labor conditions in the electronics manufacturing industry in China and Taiwan?
What are the key norms in the treatment of migrant detainees and how can academics and practitioners measure the construction and adherence to these norms?